Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 28/30 Flowers

I went into town to my favorite little flower shop. It is located in Victorian Passage, which is this cute little passage way that cuts through from one block to the next. There is a wonderful coffee shop, where I love to have a latte, and just across the street is this precious flower shop. It's so English to me. I am in love with moss, as you know, and love the mossy, moldy pots on display. Once we get into our new place, I will be getting some cute flowers for the balcony!
Camera: Canon Rebel Xt
Lens: Canon Stock lens 18mm-55mm
ISO: 400
Aperture: f/4.5
Flash: no

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Your description of the shops and your walk to them had a strong visual impact for me. Wish I could go there with you. Love the beautiful photograph.

Love, mom